This past weekend my husband took me away to a boxing match in Indio, California, which is sort of part of Palm Springs.
“Oh, yuck,” I can hear some of you saying. Not about the Palm Springs part, but the boxing.
Boxing is a great sport, and fun to watch.
Look at it this way, naysayers: Ripped, half naked alpha men beating the crap out of each other.
Hopefully that will change your mind.
I knew boxing legend Evander Holyfield would be there, and I was going to get my picture taken with him if I had to box some people out of the way myself. Some non-boxing fans may recognize the name. This is the dude who got his ear bit off my Mike Tyson. That should ring a few bells.
I didn’t have to throw any punches, just maybe do a little pushing.
So, here’s me and my new best friend, Evander Holyfield.