Welcome to the Men of the Military Hop, and a big thank you to The Jeep Diva for hosting and organizing.
First, let me say that I LOVE our military. I live by an Air Force Base. Everyday I hear the jets flying overhead, and every night I hear TAPS playing.  Seeing the men and women in uniform drop their kids off at my son’s school, at the grocery store, at restaurants…I love being part of a strong military community.
My dad is also a vet.
So to those of you in the military, or with family in the military, I thank you for all of your sacrifices and the work that you do.
A blog hop wouldn’t be fun without a prize up for grabs, so I’m offering 2- $5 gift card to Amazon or B&N (winners choice). I hope you will check out one of my books in the Six Savior Series, which is about a group of Warriors, men of the military in their own way.
For more information on the books:
The Light Within Me is free at all major ebook outlets
Finding My Faith
But to me, this hop is all about the military and giving back to them. What I have decided to do is that for every comment that is posted, I will donate $1 to the Wounded Warrior Project, up to $50.
If you haven’t checked out what this great organization does, please do and consider donating yourself if you can. Every little bit helps.

 Thanks again for stopping by, and make sure you check out the others participating in the hop!

a Rafflecopter giveaway